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New Case Study: Poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO and S-3003E in farms

The insulation of animal farms is a growing phenomenon. Farmers in different countries around the world are becoming more and more aware of its great benefits at all levels. We analyse the case of different livestock farms whose facilities have been insulated and renovated with Synthesia’s systems Poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO and Poliuretan Spray S-3003E. 

The farm facilities with animals inside must have thermal insulation in order to carry out the breeding process efficiently and cost-effectively. It is very important to highlight the economic cost of having a shed with an inadequate level of insulation. This economic quantification must be evaluated taking into account the three main consequences of an efficient insulation: 

  • Energy saving: A minimum breeding temperature is required on farms. The worse insulated a farm is, higher the energy costs, so it is advisable to analyse the level of insulation in order to quantify the costs of air-conditioning.
  • Improvement of environmental quality: In a poorly insulated farm facilities and in cold periods, if heat losses are not compensated by heating, ventilation is usually reduced to a minimum in order to reach the recommended temperature. This situation is particularly serious for some animals such as poultry, where low ventilation rates favour an increase in humidity. 
  • Lower feed consumption: In a poorly insulated farm facilities and in cold periods, the animals do not generate enough heat to counteract heat loss through the enclosures. Therefore, if adequate ventilation is desired and is not compensated by heating, it will be difficult to achieve adequate temperatures. The consequence is that the animal has to consume more feed to try to compensate for its body heat needs.

For the renovation and insulation of farms, Synthesia offers two highly efficient products:

  • Poliuretan Spray S-303 HFO is a two-component polyurethane system, polyol and isocyanate, applied by “in situ” spraying to obtain rigid closed-cell foams for thermal insulation. This product has been developed using Hydrofluoro-Olefins (HFO), a 4th  generation foaming agent, which leads to very low global warming, containing recycled PET and products of renewable origin in its composition.
  • Poliuretan Spray S-3003E is a two-component, polyol and isocyanate, closed-cell, rigid polyurethane foam system. It is an in-situ spray-applied system for thermal insulation protection, formulated with water as a foaming agent and, therefore, does not contribute to global warming.

The application of these Spray products allows to coat areas with an irregular surface or areas of very complicated geometry, forming a uniform film and providing thermal and acoustic insulation to the entire structure, as well as great protection against wear, leaks and dampness.

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